Calendar updates

Yes, the web calendar is missing. It is currently undergoing some repairs so here is a synopsis of what is happening in the next few days.

Tuesday evenings – trap match

Wednesday evenings – silhouette rifle match

Thursday evenings – public access

June 5 & 6     PPC Range & Clubhouse – RCMP – daytime hours

June 7 & 8    PPC Range & Clubhouse – Deputy Conservation Officers – daytime hours

June 7 & 8    Trap Range – Registered Shoot – starts @ 9 am

Center fire shooting can resume after Trap is finished for the day (6 pm or so)

June 9, 10 & 11   PPC Range & Clubhouse – Conservation – daytime hours


Registered Trap Shoot

Trap Shooters of all skill levels are invited to come out on Saturday and Sunday June 7 & 8m 2014 to participate in a registered shoot.

Registration begins at 9 am

Course of fire includes 100 single, 100 handicap and 50 pairs of doubles each day. Shoot all of it or just some of it.

Cost: $25 per 100 birds.   Shotgun shells available.

Center fire rifle area may resume shooting after Trap is finished for the day

3 Gun Tactical Shoot

Wednesday May 28th. Shooting starts at 7 pm on the Handgun ranges.

Bring a handgun with extra mags, shot gun with slugs and bird shot and a carbine.

Targets of paper and steel. Static and moving targets. Events timed.

Start getting ready for the Yukon Handgun Championships.


Long Range Rifle – 500 M Bench Rest

Monday May 26th. Shooting starts at 7 pm.

Bring a stable rest for your rifle, a couple of bullets for sighting in and your spotting scope if you have one. Total number of shooters will determine the number of relays required.

One target, 10 bullets, 500 Meters. From the bench.

Group size trumps total points for scoring.

Yukon Championships – Rifle Silhouette

The Annual Yukon Rifle Silhouette Championships will be happening at the gun club on Saturday and Sunday May 24th & 25th. As a “Registered Shoot” your scores will be recorded to determine your classification in preparation for the Nationals being held here in July.

Registration and rifle weigh-in starts at 8:00 am Saturday at the Trap Club House. Shooting commences at 9:00 am both days.

Fees: $10 per rifle class

Small bore (rim fire) Hunter and Standard class in the morning.

Large bore (centre fire) Hunter and Standard class in the afternoon.

Awards and potluck BBQ Sunday evening at 6:00 pm