changes to indoor range maximum calibre

Effective immediately the maximum calibre permitted for shooting in the indoor range is .22 LR using either rifle or handgun. Centre fire hand gun will be not be permitted. These restrictions will remain in place until such time as the necessary renovations are completed and approval is received from the CFO.

The indoor shooting season finishes March 30th, 2020. Gate locks will be changed at that time. Check the calendar for membership renewal dates at the range.

Membership renewal

Please check the web calendar for upcoming dates in February and March to accept membership renewals. Payment accepted by cash, credit/debit card or personal cheque. At the clubhouse on Grey Mountain Road.

Exchange your 2019 gate key with your renewal.

Bring your PAL.

Membership Dues for 2020

The new membership year for Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club begins April 1, 2020. Membership renewals are now being accepted. Membership form can be downloaded in either a fillable format or PDF.

The membership form for 2020 has been revised to ensure compliance with the regulations for shooting clubs and ranges and therefore requires inclusion of the member’s birthdate, and PAL number with expiry date. Membership processing may be delayed if required information is missing.

Payment options: by mail include personal cheque, or credit card; by email to with credit card details, or; in person by cash, cheque or credit/debit card at the clubhouse during the scheduled membership renewal times. Dates and times in February and March for renewal dates to be posted soon.

Locks on the gates will be changed on Monday March 30, 2020 at the conclusion of the final night of the indoor range season. New year gate keys will be issued to those members currently in possession of a 2019 key upon renewal of their membership for 2020 and the return of the 2019 key.

The Annual General Meeting will be scheduled for March. Date not yet set as we await the financial review by a professional accountant.