SKS SHOOT Monday June 3rd

The SKS shoot is a fun family event that requires no skill. Events such as the Balloon Bust, Water Jug Race and SKS golf are more about luck and sending lead down range. Don’t worry if you don’t own an SKS rifle, just come see the fun and we can loan you one or share during the event. Just bring 7.62X39 rounds or we can sell you some at the event. Open to all ages and skills. Come see what the fun is all about.
Contact Mike @ 335-1776 for more info.

Future SKS events: Monday July 15, August 26

Wind up SKS Shoot Sunday Sept 15th with a BBQ to follow.

** Please note a typo on the Fun Shoots Schedule that shows the first SKS Shoot on June 30th – that should read June 3rd. The web calendar is correct.

Clean up Day – no shooting please

Can you spare a little bit of time to clean up the gun range? Dress for dirty work! Don’t forget to wear shoes suitable for working in the rough areas of the range. Bring your work gloves and bug repellant and maybe the sunscreen, too.

Sunday June 2, 2013  10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Cease fire on the entire range during this time.

Jobs to be accomplished: pick up of paper and other debris from around the site,  empty garbage barrels, wash windows, rake gravel away from the building foundation, pick up discarded brass, clear brush around the target areas, paint, repair targets, fix the outhouses, and small jobs.

There are woodworking projects that need to be accomplished. If you have the time and the skill to build or repair, come and find out what needs to be done to improve your club facilities.


Silhouette Rifle Matches on Wednesdays

Small bore rifle silhouette requires the shooter to knock the metallic silhouettes off the rails at 40, 60, 77 and 100 yards using a .22 cal rifle. In a series of relays, the 40 animal shapes -chickens, pigs, turkeys and rams – are shot off the rails, one at a time from left to right, from a freestanding position, within a prescribed period of time.  With center fire silhouette matches, the shooter must knock the metallic animals off the rails at 200, 300, 385 and 500 yards, also from a free standing position and within a prescribed time frame.

Rim fire silhouette matches happen every Wednesday evening from now until September. Center fire silhouette matches will be determined by the Section Head and interested participants. Come and check it out.

The Yukon Rifle Silhouette Championships will be held over the weekend of  June 15th & 16th, so get out and practice!

3 Gun Shoot

The first Fun Shoot of the season is scheduled for Wednesday May 15th. Reactive targets, timed events.

  • 60 rounds for your handgun – rimfire or centre fire
  • 40 rounds for semi automatic rifle – centre fire or rim fire
  • 10 slugs and 10 bird shot or buck shot for your shotgun

Contact 633-6094 after 6 pm if you need more information

Falling Plates Range and PPC Range.

3 Gun Shoot schedule: June 19, July 10 and September 11th



Newsletter and Schedules

2103 WRPC Spring Newsletter

2013 WRPC User Group RANGE SCHEDULE apr_sep

2013 WRPC Regular Events RANGE SCHEDULE apr_sep

2013 WRPC Fun Shoots RANGE SCHEDULE apr_sep

Please note that the web calendar should be referenced for updates to the schedule.

There is considerable traffic at the range over the next 2-3 weeks with several of the enforcement agencies trying to get all of their training and qualification practices accomplished. These User Groups reserve the range venues during their regular working hours. Members may access the range in the early morning or later in the afternoon and evening on those busy days. Your understanding is appreciated.

As in past years, the entire range is closed while the Junior Canadian Rangers are on site during the last week of June and anytime organized youth groups are present. Members are welcome to use the range after 5 PM on those days.

Once the range dries up a little more, a clean up day will be announced. All you need for that is some work gloves and some old clothes and an hour or so of your time.