The Annual Yukon Rifle Silhouette Championships will be happening at the gun club on Saturday and Sunday May 30th & 31st. As a “Registered Shoot” your scores will be recorded to determine your classification for the Nationals being held in Prince George, BC from July 5-11, 2015, should  you be planning to attend.

Registration and rifle weigh-in starts at 8:00 am Saturday at the  Club House. Shooting commences at 9:00 am both days.

Fees: $10 per rifle class

Small bore (rim fire) Hunter and Standard class in the morning.

Large bore (centre fire) Hunter and Standard class in the afternoon.

IMPORTANT: Annual General Meeting of the Yukon Shooting Federation will be held at NOON on Saturday May 30th.

Range Clean up Day

It’s that time of year, again. Spring clean up day is Sunday May 3, 2015 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. There will be a cease fire on the entire range during this time.

Dress for dirty work! Don’t forget to wear shoes suitable for working in the rough areas of the range. Bring your work gloves.

Jobs to be accomplished: pick up of paper and other debris from around the site,  empty garbage barrels, pick up discarded brass, clear brush around the target areas,  repair and paint targets, wash windows and other small jobs.


Gate Keys

If you are a currently paid up member and missed the AGM, you also missed an opportunity to receive your gate key for 2015. The locks were changed after the meeting.

There is still an opportunity to get your 2014 gate key exchanged for the 2015 version by coming out to the club house on Monday March 23rd or Wednesday March 25th at 7 PM.




Good day WRPC Members

Please reserve Sunday March 15th, 2015 to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club.

Doors open at noon. Meeting starts at 2 PM.


Members in good standing – those whose membership dues are paid up for the current year – are eligible to vote at the meeting, although only one vote per membership classification is permitted. A member in good standing can be nominated for an Executive Office (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer). A member in good standing can also be nominated/appointed to the Board of Directors. This is a new item that will be implemented once the Registrar of Societies approves the revised WRPC 2015 bylaws.

Gate locks will be changed after the meeting. Members in good standing who hand in their assigned 2014 gate key can receive their 2015 gate key at the AGM.

AGENDA ITEMS will include:


  • President’s Report
  • Financial, including report from professional accountant
  • Event Summaries
  • Section Reports


  • Constitution and Bylaws
  • Work Plan
  • Range Improvements


  • Approval 2015 Workplan and Budget
  • Appointments:
    • Section Heads
    • Event Organizers
  • Elections:
    • Executive Officers
    • Board of Directors (dependent upon approval of bylaws)