Busy Weekend Ahead

The TRAP range and the RIFLE range will both be busy this weekend with two scheduled events – a Registered Trap Shoot and the Yukon Rifle Silhouette Championships.  Refer to previous posts for event details.

In order to maintain a safe and controlled firing line the Bench Rest Rifle area will be unavailable during the day while these two events are happening.

Members wishing to use the bench rest rifle range area are welcome AFTER 4:30 pm when the trap and silhouette activities should be completed for the day.




Respect the Wildlife

This is a reminder regarding wildlife on the range.

Bears have been observed at the range over the past few weeks and while they do appear friendly and cuddly-looking, they are still wild animals and unpredictable when stressed. Sightings of wild animals can also include fox, deer, caribou and bobcat.

The Range Rules state that all wildlife at the shooting range is protected. Primarily, this means that they are given the right of way when observed moving in and around the various shooting venues and people should not be shooting near them in an attempt to scare them away. Call a cease fire and wait for them to move away before you resume your shooting activity.

Fines can be levied for feeding wildlife as it is an offense under the Wildlife Act to leave attractants around for wildlife to then become a nuisance. This means that if you bring your lunch or snacks when using the range that any food that you do not eat will be either taken home with you or put into the covered dumpster in the main parking area.

Respect the animals. Do not entice them with people food.


Registered Trap Shoot 2016

Trap shooters of all skill levels! Come out and enjoy yourself  Saturday & Sunday June 4 & 5, 2016. As a registered trap shoot participants must have a current PITA (Pacific International Trap Association) membership. Available at the event.

Be prepared to shoot up to 300 birds each day. Shoot some of it or all of it. Singles and Doubles.

Cost is $5.00 per 25 birds. Ammo available for purchase.

Registration 8:30 AM Shooting starts at 9:00 AM

Centre fire rifle range available to members AFTER 4:30 PM

Don’t forget the regular Tuesday evening match from 7 PM to 9 PM

Cast Bullet Shoot

Cast Bullet Shoot on Sunday May 28, 2016 from noon to 3 PM.

Cast bullet ammunition.  Rifle with iron sights only. No scopes.

Bring your single action revolver for some additional challenges.

You will be shooting at various distances out to 200 yards using crossed sticks, shooting prone over a log, sitting and kneeling.


Yukon Championship – Rifle Silhouette

The Annual Yukon Rifle Silhouette Championships will be happening at the gun club on Saturday and Sunday June 4 & 5, 2016.  As a “Registered Shoot” your scores will be recorded to determine your classification for the Nationals being held in Calgary, Alberta July 17 to 23, 2016 at the Rosebud Silhouette and Benchrest Club should  you be planning to attend.

Registration and rifle weigh-in starts at 8:00 am Saturday at the  Club House. Shooting commences at 9:00 am both days.

Fees: $10 per rifle class

Small bore (rim fire) Hunter and Standard class in the morning.

Large bore (centre fire) Hunter and Standard class in the afternoon.

Please note: The Bench Rest Rifle area will not be available to members until after 4:30 PM.

IMPORTANT: Annual General Meeting of the Yukon Shooting Federation will be held at NOON on Saturday June 4th.