Gate Keys for 2018

Any member in good standing who wants to pick up their gate key for the 2018 membership season can do so at the clubhouse on the following evenings: Wednesday March  21st and 28th between 7:30 pm and 8:30 pm.

A member who has renewed their membership for 2018, AND had a gate key in 2017, will have a 2018 gate key issued when the 2017 key is turned in.





At a Special General Meeting held on October 11, 2017 a special resolution was passed to replace the existing 2015 version of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club in response to a motion that was made at the Annual General Meeting of February 5, 2017 recommending a change to the membership year.

Once the document had been reviewed by the Registrar of Societies it was returned in late January 2018 with recommendations to make some edits that would  improve compliance with the regulations governing Yukon societies. The document was edited and returned to the Registrar and has been accepted, however; because of these  changes, a special resolution process must be made again.

On Wednesday March 14, 2018 at 7:15 pm a Special General Meeting will be held in the clubhouse on Grey Mountain Road to pass a Special Resolution to replace the existing January 2015 Constitution and Bylaws with the revised January 2018 version.


Whereas a motion was made and adopted by those accredited members present at the Annual General Meeting held February 5, 2017 which directed that the membership year be changed from the current January 1st to December 31st schedule to an April 1st to March 31st schedule, the following resolution is hereby made:
Replace the existing Constitution and Bylaws of the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club dated January 15, 2015 in its entirety with the revised version dated January 2018.

The final version of the Constitution and Bylaws January 2018 is available here for your reference.  WRPC CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS REVISED JANUARY 2018

2018 AGM – Take Two

The 2018 Annual General Meeting has been re-scheduled to Thursday February 15, 2018 at 7 PM at the clubhouse.

In order to conduct the business of the AGM, which includes accepting the financial statements, and elections of Officers and Directors, there must be 30 accredited members present to achieve a quorum. The very cold temperatures on Sunday Feb 4th may have been a contributing factor to preventing members from  attending the meeting. So all members will have another opportunity to attend the 2018 AGM, hear what is happening with your club and see how you can become more involved.




Gate Lock Change-out

The locks on the gate will be changed Wednesday March 28, 2018 at the conclusion of the final evening of the Indoor Range season.

New key for the old key. Return your 2017 gate key with your membership renewal for 2018 and the 2018 gate key will be issued.

If you are renewing your membership now, but are planning to use the range between now and the end of March, please keep your 2017 key. There will be opportunities to exchange the key later in March.

2018 Annual General Meeting

Notice to all WRPC Members:

The 2018 Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Sunday February 4, 2018 at 1:00 pm.

Doors open at 11:00 am. Membership renewals will be accepted until 12:30 pm.

Location: WRPC Clubhouse  Mile 3,2 Grey Mountain Road

Members in good standing are eligible to vote at the meeting and can be nominated for an Executive Office (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer) or be nominated/appointed to the Board of Directors.