Bill C-71 Meeting with Conservative MP

The Yukon Party Official Opposition  will be hosting Conservative MP Blaine Calkins who is here to gather your input regarding Bill C-71 which proposes changes to the  current firearms legislation.

This is an opportunity for Yukoners to have their concerns heard. You are invited to attend the meeting on Sunday June 10, 2018 at the Gold Rush Inn, in the General Store Meeting Room at 2 pm.




Registered Trap Shoot 2018

Trap shooters of all skill levels! Come out and enjoy yourself  Saturday & Sunday June 9 & 10, 2018. As a registered trap shoot participants must have a current PITA (Pacific International Trap Association) membership. Available at the event.

Be prepared to shoot up to 300 birds each day. Shoot some of it or all of it. Singles, Doubles and Handicap.

Shooting starts at 10:00 AM

Centre fire rifle range available to members AFTER 5 PM

Handguns and steel targets

The  Falling Plates Range and the Handgun Silhouette Range are intended for handgun use. Evidence suggests that not all members are using these range areas appropriately and safely as centre fire rifle cartridges have been left behind on more than one occasion on both of these handgun range areas. Using rifles on the steel targets in these range areas not only inflicts significant damage to the club targets, but it is also dangerous.

While there are guidelines from target manufacturers and various shooting organizations that specialize in gun vs steel target disciplines, distance from the shooter to the target is not the only factor to be considered for safety. The hardness and the condition of the steel and the type of ammunition must also be factored in to the equation, as well as the angle at which the bullet hits the steel.

How close is too close? On a pristine piece of  reactive or properly angled hard steel, using  your handgun, a minimum of 10 yards is probably fairly safe. The harder the steel, the more it can withstand repeated hits without deformation, but every time a round hits that metal target, a degree of deformation results. The more that target is hit, especially if made of a softer steel,  the more it is deformed.  This deformation of the target surface will cause the bullet to ricochet in unpredictable directions. Ricochets from steel at 100 yards with a hunting rifle are not impossible. All shooters and spectators should be wearing safety glasses when involved in reactive metal shooting activities.

Club members are reminded that each range area is designated for a specific type of firearm for safety and licensing reasons. These designations are determined by the range topography, the target material, distance from firing line to the target and ballistics. As a responsible shooter and responsible club member you are expected to comply with the range rules.









e-Petition Weblink

Anyone interested in signing the e-petition (#1608) regarding the recently proposed Bill C-71, An Act to amend certain Acts and Regulations in relation to firearms, can connect by copying the following link into your web browser This e-petition is available until July 26, 2018.

Leave no one behind

It doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, it is a concern.

Members in good standing who have participated in the range orientation and who have been issued a key to the gates are reminded that with this privilege comes responsibility. One aspect of this responsibility requires that the member who is leaving the range must check the property to ensure that no unauthorized individuals are present before locking the gates. Anyone who is not a member or who is not in possession of a gate key must be asked to leave before the property is secured.

The expectation is that the member who is leaving someone on the property has verified that the individual who remains is a member with a gate key. In this situation the exiting member is essentially transferring the responsibility for closing up to the other member.

Locking someone in creates risk for that individual and also to the gun club property. It only takes a couple of minutes to do a perimeter check before you leave. Please do your part.