Backcountry hunters & anglers

Do you know what’s happening on public lands in Yukon? Do you know who if anyone is representing your needs as a hunter and angler? Are you concerned about the future of hunting and angling in the Territory? Are you interested in conservation and preservation of Yukon wilderness? When was the last time you had a voice? When was the last time you were informed of a conservation or land use topic and asked to comment? Do you know what happens to your comments and how the government considered them?

There are chapters of the BHA in BC and Alberta. Yukoners have been working towards consultation on ORV regulations, enquiring on finalization of the Resource Roads Regulations, working with the salmon sub-committee, and working on the upcoming review of the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board. 

Now the time has come to hold an AGM, to elect a Board and seek BHA chapter status.

Next meeting: February 6, 2019 at 6 pm High Country Inn. Check out the poster for details.