Fall Swap Meet

What is the Fall Swap Meet? It is where WRPC Club members meet on Sunday November 18, 2018 from 10 am to 3 pm at the clubhouse on Grey Mountain Road to swap their stuff for the other guy’s stuff. Trade your surplus re-loading gear for those hard to find cartridge cases or that scope that you no longer need. 

Remember that all regulations regarding the transportation and the sale of firearms and ammunition  apply.

Coffee pot will be on. Be prepared to help set up and clean up.

Youth Air Rifle Program

The YOUTH AIR RIFLE PROGRAM is happening again this year with enrollment on Tuesday November 6, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club on Grey Mountain Road. Youth ages 10 to 18 years are invited to attend. Parental permission is required.

This shooting program is sponsored by the YUKON SHOOTING FEDERATION and is intended to provide instruction on the safe handling of firearms and rifle shooting techniques using top quality air rifles. The participants are expected to follow the Range Rules to ensure a safe environment for all.

This program will continue every TUESDAY evening 7 PM TO 9 PM until March 26, 2019.

COST: $50. Covers Pellets, Targets and firearm maintenance.


Youth Program Brochure & Consent Form

Indoor Range

Beginning Wednesday November 7, 2018 the Indoor Range will be open on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm. The season will end on the final evening Wednesday March 27th, 2019.

Range Safety Officers will be on duty to assist club members and visitors with understanding and following the range rules.

When the temperature is minus 30 Celsius or colder, the Indoor range will not be available. Check the web calendar for scheduled closures during the winter season.

Members and visitors are required to sign-in when using the indoor range.  Targets and ammunition are available for purchase.  No food or drink is permitted in the indoor range area.

Permitted firearms and ammunition include:

  • .22 cal rifle & handgun
  • No magnums
  • Lead bullets only – no jacketed bullets

Only WRPC members with club approved Handgun Proficiency Status may use centre fire handguns in the Indoor Range. There are prescribed calibers for indoor range use. Centre fire shooting will commence after rimfire activities are concluded for the evening.



Minister Bill Blair seeking views on reducing violent crime

On October 11, 2018 the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, issued the following statement:

“Keeping communities safe and reducing violent crime is a priority for the Government of Canada. This is why, in my Mandate letter, the Prime Minister has asked me to lead an examination of a ban on handguns and assault weapons in Canada, while not impeding the lawful use of firearms by Canadians. I am committed to examining all options and hearing all perspectives on this issue. ”

Check out the news release on the Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada website and read for yourself. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2018/10/minister-blair-seeks-views-on-reducing-violent-crime.html

Until November 10, 2018 you can share your views online by connecting to the following link https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/cnslttns/hndgn/index-en.aspx