All posts by Nora

Update on Constitution & Bylaws

There were 19 WRPC members in attendance at the Special General Meeting on Thursday October 23, 2014. The resolution to replace the existing 1993 version of the Constitution and Bylaws with the revised 2014 version did not pass.

Any WRPC member who wishes to comment on the revised version can submit their comments to  until November 15th, 2014. The submitted comments will be forwarded to the reviewing committee. Another special general meeting will be scheduled once the document is finalized.

View the document:  WRPC CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS 2014v2 sept 20



Competition Results

This summer and fall has been busy for many Yukon Shooters, both at home and at competitions Outside. Congratulations to all of the competitors.

Check out the following links for the results.

1000 Yard Shoot -Tweedsmuir Park Rod & Gun Club – Burns Lake, BC

Canadian National Silhouette Rifle Championships –

North American Indigenous Games  – Look for the Yukon Rifle Shooting Team

IPSC 2014 Canadian Nationals –

“The Shoot”  2014 AST vs RCMP  – e.action?siteNodeId=899&languageId=1&contentId=37313

IPSC World Shoot XVII 2014 –

Indoor Range Opens

Beginning November 3rd, 2014 the Indoor Range will be open on Monday and Wednesday evenings beginning at 7 pm during the fall and winter season with the final evening being Monday March 30th, 2015. Two Range Safety Officers will be on duty to assist club members and visitors with understanding and following the range rules, and purchasing targets and ammunition.

Remember to carry your  non-restricted firearm into and through the clubhouse to the firing line with the muzzle pointing UP. This is the only safe direction in this situation.

The Indoor range will not be available when the temperature is minus 30 Celsius or colder.

The Indoor Range  will be closed on Christmas Eve (December 24th) and New Year’s Eve (December 31st).

Rimfire (.22 cal) shooting is scheduled to begin at 7 pm. Only club members with Handgun Proficiency Status may shoot Centre fire handguns once rim fire shooters are finished.

Constitution & Bylaws Revision

A Special General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday October 23, 2014 at 7 pm in the clubhouse with the purpose of passing a Special Resolution that will replace the existing 1993 Constitution and Bylaws with the revised 2014 version.

Whereas a motion was made and adopted by those accredited members present at the Annual General Meeting held January 13, 2013 which directed that the existing Constitution and Bylaws (1993) be reviewed and revised, the following resolution is hereby made:

Replace the existing Constitution and Bylaws of the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club dated March 11, 1993 in its entirety with the revised version dated September 20, 2014

Revisions include an extended time period for scheduling the Annual General Meeting, more detail on roles and responsibilities of club leadership, identification of a Board of Directors, clarification of procedures governing meetings, and addition of guidance policies.

The DRAFT 2014 Constitution and Bylaws is available electronically for your review. Click here WRPC CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS 2014v2 sept 20

Did you borrow the magnetic sweeper?

The magnetic sweeper is currently missing from the Bench rest area.

The club purchased this item for use by members to make the pick-up of spent cartridges a bit easier, especially for collecting the steel casings.  The collection bin is already full, so we know a few of the members have been busy putting the magnetic sweeper to use. Thank you for that!

The Club would appreciate the return of the magnetic sweeper to the Bench Rest Rifle area.