All posts by Nora

CFSC Inventory Needs Refurbishing

The Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club has been involved with delivering the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) since the creation of the program. The disabled non-restricted shotguns and rifles that are used in this course were well used at the time they were acquired, but the actions still functioned. Now, after 20 plus years of handling and working those actions, these firearms have really passed their “best before date”. Course participants are met with frustration when trying to learn how to safely use a firearm, when it does not cycle the ammunition as it should.

The club would like to refurbish the inventory of disabled non-restricted firearms.  At the most we will require two of each of the following action types: Break or Hinge Action, Bolt Action, Pump Action (shotgun preferred), Lever Action, Semi-automatic (22 LR preferred). The club will assume the costs associated with disabling the firearms according to the standards of the program.

If you have a  firearm that you are willing to contribute please submit your contact information and type of firearm through the “Contact Us” tab to




Indoor Shooting Season

The Indoor Range will be open on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 pm  to 9 pm beginning November 7, 2016  and ending on the final evening  Wednesday  March 29th, 2017. The Indoor range will not be available when the temperature is minus 30 Celsius or colder.

The Indoor Range  will be closed on Monday December 26, 2016.

Two Range Safety Officers will be on duty to assist club members and visitors with understanding and following the range rules. Targets and ammunition are available for purchase. Members and visitors are required to sign-in when using the indoor range. Food or drink is not permitted in the indoor range area. Please enjoy your beverage in the main clubhouse.

Rimfire (.22 cal) shooting is scheduled to begin at 7 pm. Only club members with Handgun Proficiency Status may shoot Centre fire handguns once the rim fire shooters are finished.

All firearms brought into the clubhouse should be carried in a safe manner following the principles of the Canadian Firearms Safety Course. Once at the firing line, your firearm may be removed from the case. Handling firearms behind the firing line is not permitted. Always check with the Range Safety Officer for assistance.

Range Closure for Brush Clearing

The entire range will be unavailable for shooting during the day Monday September 19 AND Thursday September 22 from 8:30 AM to approximately 4:00 PM.

During this time brush grooming equipment will be working in front of the firing line on all range areas in order to clear the overgrowth. This is necessary to maintain a clear line of sight  for safety of all members and users.

Regular range activities will resume after 4:00 PM.


Thursday September 22 – Last Public Access Night for Outdoor Range Season

Many thanks to all the Range Safety Officers who have volunteered their time to ensure a safe shooting environment during the public access evenings this summer.

There are two Thursday evenings remaining in September for the public to access the outdoor range with the final evening being Thursday September 22nd, 2016. Two Range Safety Officers are on duty to ensure compliance with range rules.

While the range is generally open between 7 pm and 9 pm on Thursday evening be prepared for an earlier closure  as the  available daylight disappears quickly at this time of the year.

Public Access to the outdoor range will start again in May 2017.


Membership cards

Good day,
All membership cards up to June 30th, 2016 have now been processed. Due to the uncertainty with Canada Post at this time, these cards are available for pick up at the Sportslodge.
Have a great day.