Here is the agenda for the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club AGM Wednesday March 31, 2021 at 7PM in the indoor range.

Be reminded that membership renewals and key exchanges will NOT take place before or after the meeting to discourage people from gathering.

Locks on the gates will be changed Wednesday evening.

2021 Annual General Meeting

The 2021 AGM will take place in the Indoor Range at The Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club on Wednesday March 31, 2021 at 7 PM.

The AGM is a business meeting. Various reports and updates on club activities will be presented followed by election of officers and appointment of Directors

Members in good standing who are able to attend will need to bring their own lawn chair or camp stool as the club has only a small number of seats.

The Safe Six Protocols will be followed ensuring the required physical distancing, hand hygiene, wearing a face mask and not coming if you have returned from travelling outside Yukon in the 14 days prior to the meeting. And if you, or someone in your household is ill, please stay home.


2021 Membership renewal

April 1, 2021 is the beginning of the new membership year at Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club.

There will be no open house events for membership renewals this year. Membership renewals for the 2021 year, will expire March 31, 2022. Your renewal will be accepted by email and snail mail. Payment options include personal cheque, credit card or bank transfer (EFT). Details are on the membership form. Processing of membership renewals will be delayed if required information is missing from your form.

Locks on the gates were changed Wednesday March 31, 2021, This means that the 2020 gate key will no longer work as of April 1st.

Club members who received a gate key for 2020 will receive a 2021 gate key once their membership renewal is processed. There will be no key exchanges taking place at the club this year.


Range Night 2020 Cancelled

Effective immediately, the previously scheduled Wednesday evening Range Nights are cancelled until further notice.

Yes, the uptick in the current COVID-19 numbers is the driving factor.

When will the Indoor Range re-open? Date yet to be determined.

Club members with a 2020 gate key continue to have access to the outdoor range, as long as they continue to respect all the COVID-19 protocols about not coming to the range if you are sick, or have been in contact with someone who is known or suspected of having COVID-19 or have traveled outside Yukon in the previous 14 days. While at the range, you are reminded to keep your 6 foot/2 meter distance from others while at the range.