Indoor Range Night

Here’s the drill – Indoor Range night resumes Wednesday February 23, 2022 and will continue each Wednesday evening until March 30, 2022.

Time frame is 7 pm to 9 pm. Assuming we don’t see any minus 30 C temperatures!

Stay home if you are ill. Proof of Vaccination Certificate required when participating in any events held in the clubhouse or indoor range. Sign in the log book when entering the building.

A mask must be worn when in the clubhouse and indoor range. It may be removed when you are at your shooting station – so your safety glasses don’t fog up.

There will be a limit of 7 shooters on the line.

Calibre permitted is rim fire .22 LR for rifle and pistol. NO CENTRE FIRE.

COVID Restrictions Strike Again

To further limit contact between individuals, the recent YG public health notice of January 14, 2022 now restricts participation in an organized event or class, to a maximum of 10 from two households. It is for this reason that we are again required to cancel our indoor activities for the time being.

Until further notice:

Wednesday evening range nights are cancelled,

Canadian Firearms Safety Courses will not be scheduled until the restrictions allow, and

The date for the Annual General Meeting cannot be confirmed at this time.

Meeting to Pass Special Resolution

On Monday December 27, 2021 at 12:00 pm (noon) a Special General Meeting will be held in the clubhouse on Grey Mountain Road to pass a Special Resolution to replace the existing January 2018 Constitution and Bylaws with the revised December 2021 version. The new Societies Act and Regulations requires existing societies to transition to the new regulatory structure by March 31, 2023.

Notice to Pass Special Resolution

Whereas the Societies Act April 1, 2021, requires a pre-existing society to submit identified documents within two years after the coming into force of the Act, the following resolutions are hereby made:

  1. Replace the Bylaws of The Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club, dated January 2018 with the newly consolidated Bylaws dated December 5, 2021, and
  2. Submit to the Registrar of Societies for filing with the transition application, the following records of The Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club :
    • existing Constitution,
    • newly consolidated Bylaws dated December 5, 2021 as approved by Special Resolution, and
    • the statement of directors and registered office of the Society.

The draft version of the Bylaws December 2021 for submission is available here for your reference.