Brush Clearing

The range will be in a cease fire status next week Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday August 2, 3 & 4, 2022 while a crew and their equipment are clearing brush on all of the outdoor range areas.

They will be mowing the trap range, handgun ranges, PPC range and the rifle ranges from the firing line to the 500 M target rail.

If all goes well and it doesn’t rain, they may finish sooner than the expected three days.

Shooting will be permitted when the crew is finished for the day.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Acceptance of new memberships on pause

Effective June 23, 2022 acceptance of new members will be paused until further notice.

New memberships will not be accepted at this time as we have reached our capacity to respond to the requirement for a range familiarization (orientation) before a member uses the range.

Not being able to acquire membership right now may be disappointing, however; it is essential that the volunteer-run organization is able to meet both member expectations and range safety obligations.

Range Clean-Up

Saturday June 4th, 2022 is the first Range Clean up Day of the season. There will be a Cease Fire on the entire range from 09:30 am to 3:00 pm.

Tasks for this day will focus on the usual pick up of debris left from the winter so all those spent cartridges you left behind last winter and the paper targets that blew into the bush will be there for you to collect.

Some targets will require painting before returning them to the rails.

Bring your work gloves and wear sturdy footwear and don’t forget the bug dope.

A sign in sheet will be at the clubhouse.

Come on out and help clean up the range. 

Spring Swap Meet

Time to do some spring cleaning and recycle some of your previously enjoyed stuff like re-loading gear, that dusty rifle scope you don’t use, the tripod that came off the gun you sold last year. Maybe you are looking for a set of dies or some ammo for the collection.

Saturday April 23, 2022 from 11 am to 3 pm at the clubhouse on Grey Mountain Road.

Coffee pot will be on. Be prepared to help with the set up and the clean up.

Remember that all regulations regarding the transportation, display and the sale of firearms and ammunition  apply.

Even though the public health restrictions have been lifted please do not come if you are sick. Respect the need for others to have adequate personal space and also their decision to wear or not wear a mask.