Gun Club Special Activities this Week

Monday – Yukon Fish & Game Association Youth Outdoor Education Camp – 8:00 am to 3:00 pm- Entire range closed to other access during this time.

Monday – 500 Meter Bench Rest Shoot on the Bench Rest Centre Fire Range – start 7:00 pm

Wednesday – 3 Gun Shoot –  PPC/Falling Plates/Handgun Range – Start 6:30 pm

Saturday & Sunday – Registered Trap Shoot – No centre fire use at Bench Rest range while trap range is active

Regular evening events include Trap on Tuesday, Silhouette Rifle on Wednesday and Public Access on Thursday.



YFGA – Outdoor Education Youth Camp

On Monday July 8, 2013 the Yukon Fish and Game Association will have exclusive use of the entire range for their Outdoor Education Youth Camp where a variety of shooting activities will be conducted.

This means that general access to the range by members or user groups is not permitted between 08:00 am and 3:00 pm while these young individuals are on site. This is to ensure a safe environment for them to learn.

Members may access the range after 3:00 pm.


Junior Canadian Rangers Summer Training Exercise

Again this year Whitehorse will be hosting the Junior Canadian Rangers from across the north in their summer training exercise. For seven days starting Saturday June 22nd at 8 am through to the end of the day on Friday June 28th, the Whitehorse Rifle and Pistol Club will be closed to general access by members and user groups while these youth are on the gun range. The JCR’s will be occupying all areas of the range for their shooting experience. Members are welcome to come up after 5pm for the regular schedule of activities.

Yukon Rifle Silhouette Championship

Sponsored by the Yukon Shooting Federation, the annual Yukon Rifle Silhouette Championship will be held Saturday and Sunday June 15th & 16th at the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club. All are welcome to participate.

Registration opens at 0800 am on Saturday. Guns are weighed in on Saturday morning.Shooting starts at 0900 am.
On Sunday, shooting continues beginning at 0900 sharp.

Registration fees: $10 per rifle classification.

Small bore (rim fire) Hunter and Standard Class in the morning
Large bore (centre fire) Hunter and Standard Class in the afternoon

Awards presented on Sunday.