Memorial 500 M Bench Rest Shoot

The Shoot

From May through August a regular group of shooters has come out to challenge themselves with long distance shooting techniques to develop accuracy and precision. Bulls eye targets were shot at 500 meters and at 300 meters. The goal, to shoot the highest score with the smallest group size.  Accuracy relates to scoring your shots on the bulls eye target while precision is measured by the diameter of your grouping of shots. The ideal would be to have the highest score within the smallest group.

The end of season 500 Meter Bench Rest Wind-up Shoot is scheduled for Sunday September 13, 2015.  You are requested to pre-register for this event by calling Len at 633-6094 as space is limited. Sign-in will take place in the Trap Clubhouse Sunday morning at 10 am and registration fees of $5.00 per classification will be collected.

  • Open- No restrictions! Scored Based on Group Size & Score
  •  Hunting Rifle- Max 9 power scope, Max weight- 10.5lb Score based on Group Size Only
  • Shooting commences at 11 am at the Bench Rest Rife Range area.
  • Prizes will be awarded for top scores and tightest group sizes.
  • Participants are invited to participate in a pot luck BBQ after the shooting concludes.

The Memorial

This event is in memory of Jim Strelioff, who was instrumental in keeping this shooting discipline active over the past few years and encouraged others to take up the challenge.  His family invites friends and colleagues to come to the range after 5:30 pm to share some stories, some memories and some refreshments. The memorial gathering will take place in the main clubhouse.


Wildlife on the Range

There have been recent sightings of bears- black ones and brown ones-  wandering through the various shooting range areas . Generally, they mind their own business and stick to the perimeter of the cleared range area, however extra care is required when getting ready to shoot at the long range rifle range as the animals can be hidden in the brush.

Members are reminded that all animals on the range are protected – we are still inside City limits! Do not shoot near them in attempts to scare them off. Call a cease fire and wait for them to move away. Also, remember to put any food waste directly into the dumpster so as to not attract these characters onto the firing line areas.

Take your time and scan the line before you start to shoot.

Request for Tender

Are you a professional contractor or do you know someone who is? The WRPC is seeking the services of a professional contractor to construct a building extension on the existing WRPC clubhouse to contain indoor washroom facilities.

Contact 633-6202 for tender documents and to arrange a site review. Tender closes July 16, 2015.


Registered Trap Shoot

Trap shooters of all skill levels! Come out and enjoy yourself this weekend – Saturday & Sunday June 6 & 7, 2015. This is a registered trap shoot.

Be prepared to shoot up to 300 birds each day. Shoot some of it or all of it. Singles and Doubles.

Don’t forget the regular Tuesday evening Trap Match at 7:00 PM.

Yukon Shooting Federation AGM

The Yukon Shooting Federation is the governing body for the shooting sports in the Yukon. The objectives of this critical organization are to sponsor  shooting competitions, to assist shooting clubs and organizations ; standardize shooting regulations and practices within the Yukon; and, act as the Territorial body for any form of shooting in which its members may wish to participate.

The Annual General Meeting will be held at NOON Saturday May 30th at the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club on Grey Mountain Road.

Interested in learning how you can be involved in supporting the shooting sports for yourself or your kids? Interested in becoming a shooting coach? Maybe you are up for the challenge of being a member of the Executive or Board of Directors. Come and hear how you can volunteer to be part of the action.

The Yukon Rifle Silhouette Championships will be happening on Saturday and Sunday May 30 & 31 so the rifle range is not available during this time.