Firing Line Etiquette

Range time is important for all members of the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club. There is one member who is testing some new loads for his hunting rifle. There are a couple of friends who have been on the bench rest area for some target practice for an hour or more. Most of the benches are currently occupied. You arrive and while the range area is active take your firearm to a bench and get ready to shoot. You wait patiently for a few minutes watching the other shooters to gauge when they might take a little break so that you can go and set up a target. They seem to be pretty intent on their shooting and don’t seem to even notice your arrival. How long do you wait for a cease-fire?

Do you have good manners on the firing line? Are you aware that other shooters have arrived and would like an opportunity to set up a target? If you have been shooting for a while and all the benches are occupied, do you offer your space to the member who just arrived?

Introduce yourself. Welcome the new member. Share the firing line.


Proposed Change to Membership Year

At the AGM in February 2017, a motion was put forward to change the membership year from the current cycle to  April 1st to March 31st.

As you are aware the membership year for the WRPC is currently January 1st to December 31st which also coincides with the club’s fiscal year. The administrative time required to process the rising volume of renewing memberships and also reconcile and prepare the financial statements at year end is becoming a challenge. The requirement to track any pro-rated membership fees adds to the work load. These were some of the reasons behind the suggestion to change the membership year cycle.

The Board of Directors is currently reviewing this recommendation to assess impact and develop revisions to the by-laws. Once approved, there will be a requirement to vote on a Special Resolution to amend the bylaws in favour of this proposed change to the membership year. The Registrar of Societies will need to approve the changes before they become effective. Members will be kept informed as to the progress of this activity.

Lock Change January 29, 2017

This is notice that the gate locks to the range will be changed after the Swap Meet on Sunday January 29, 2017.

Members in good standing (i.e. proof that 2017 membership dues are paid) can receive their 2017 gate key upon return of the 2016 key.

Membership renewals will be accepted at this time as well, with cash or personal cheque.

Swap Meet

Club members are welcome to come and check out the clubhouse on Sunday January 29, 2017 from 10 am to 3 pm. Coffee pot will be on. Swap your stuff for the other guy’s stuff.

Remember that all regulations regarding the transportation and the sale of firearms and ammunition will apply.

Tables available for members only. Limit is 2 tables.  Be prepared to help set up tables.