2018 Membership Renewals

Annual membership fees are due now for the 2018 year. If you will be renewing your RPAL  in the next few months, or plan to purchase restricted firearms, renew your membership now to avoid processing delays.

One Open House for membership renewals is scheduled for Saturday January 20, 2018  from  11 am  to 2 pm.

Payment in cash or personal cheque. Fees remain unchanged.

Payment (cash or cheque) can also be received at the clubhouse on Monday and Wednesday evenings when the Indoor Range is in use, or by mail with a personal cheque to WRPC, Box 30078 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5M2.


Swap Meet

Club members are welcome to come and check out the clubhouse on Saturday December 16, 2017 from 10 am to 3 pm.

Coffee pot will be on. Swap your stuff for the other guy’s stuff.

Remember that all regulations regarding the transportation and the sale of firearms and ammunition  apply.

Tables available for members only.   Be prepared to help set up and clean up.

Youth Air Rifle Program

The YOUTH AIR RIFLE PROGRAM is gearing up again this year with enrollment on Tuesday November 7, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the gun club on Grey Mountain Road. This program will continue every TUESDAY EVENING 7 PM TO 9 PM  until March 27, 2018.

Youth ages 10 to 18 years are invited to attend. Parental permission is required.     Youth Program Brochure & Consent Form

This program is sponsored by the YUKON SHOOTING FEDERATION and is intended to provide instruction on the safe handling of firearms and rifle shooting techniques using top quality air rifles. The participants are expected to follow the Range Rules to ensure a safe environment for all.

COST: $50
Includes Pellets and Targets and Youth Membership with Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club


Bylaw Revision – Membership Year Transition

The previous post advised of a Special General Meeting to pass a Special Resolution to replace the current Constitution and Bylaws with a revised version. Revisions include rewording of the bylaws referencing the membership year, membership classification definitions and membership fee schedules.

How will the transition to a new membership year be managed?

All memberships expire at the end of the membership year. At present, all WRPC memberships will expire December 31, 2017.

Current fees for membership will remain the unchanged. Pro-rated memberships will no longer be supported.

Once the Special Resolution is passed and the Registrar of Societies grants approval, the bylaw changes will take effect. This means that all memberships that are due to expire December 31st will be extended and will then expire March 31, 2018. The new membership year will then commence April 1st, 2018 and expire March 31, 2019.


  • When dues are received from a renewing member in Jan/Feb/Mar 2018 the effective date of membership will be April 1st as their current membership will not terminate until March 31st 2018.
  • When dues are received from a new member or returning member in Jan/Feb/Mar 2018 the effective date of membership will be the date the dues are received and will terminate March 31st the following year 2019.


  • When membership dues are received any time between April 1st and December 31st, the membership will be valid from date of issue until March 31st the following year.

o   Example:  dues paid August 20, 2018. Membership valid from August 20, 2018 until March 31st, 2019.


A NEW member is one who has no history of membership with WRPC

A RENEWING member is one who has maintained uninterrupted annual membership with WRPC

A RETURNING member is one who has had an interruption of one year or more in their membership with WRPC

Notice of Meeting to Pass Special Resolution

Whereas a motion was made and adopted by those accredited members present at the Annual General Meeting held February 5, 2017 which directed that the membership year be changed from the current January 1st to December 31st schedule to an April 1st to March 31st schedule, the following resolution is hereby made:
Replace the existing Constitution and Bylaws of the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club dated January 15, 2015 in its entirety with the revised version dated August 15, 2017.

On Wednesday October 11, 2017 at 7 pm a Special General Meeting will be held in the clubhouse on Grey Mountain Road to pass a Special Resolution to replace the existing January 2015 Constitution and Bylaws with the revised August 2017 version. Revisions have been made to the bylaws referencing the membership year, membership classification definitions and membership fee schedules. No other bylaw revisions will be made at this time. There are no changes to membership fees.

The final version of the Constitution and Bylaws is available here for your reference.


A separate post follows to describe the transition process for managing memberships once this resolution is passed and final approval is received from the Registrar of Societies.

Your presence at this meeting is appreciated. There will be no other agenda items at this Special General Meeting.