All posts by Nora


This is an advance notice that there will be some changes made to the current range rules.

Changes will relate to entering and exiting the range property, showing proof of membership and confirming attendance. Once the Board of Directors approves the changes, and the effective start date is determined, the new rules will be posted.

Reminder of memorial

This is a reminder to be respectful of the memorial service for a long-time club member that is happening in the Trap Range area on Saturday August 21st, 2021, by refraining from all shooting activities at the range between 1 PM and 4 PM. Service begins at 2 PM.


Regular Tuesday night trap match is up and running. Start time 6:00 pm. Remember to sign in with the match leader.

One round of clays – 25 birds – will cost you $5.00

On the firing line it is not a problem to maintain the required COVID 19 distancing protocol of 6 feet. When you are waiting to shoot, respect others not in your social bubble, and maintain the space.


Club members, new to handgun shooting, are welcome to turn out Sunday June 6, 2021 to the handgun range area. Practice time is noon to 4:00 PM. Participation time is flexible: come for an hour, stay for two. This event is supervised by club appointed range officers. You will be required to sign in and maintain the current COVID-19 protocols regarding distancing.

This is not an organized, discipline-specific shooting match, but rather an opportunity to come out and practice with various targets and distances and get some pointers to improve your shooting skills. Rimfire and centre fire – it’s your ammo! Targets of paper and reactive steel.

Bring your range bag with all the usual bits- hearing and eye protection, bug juice and sun screen, tool kit, scope or binos, stapler, hand cleaning wipes, snacks, water, and of course, ammo for your handgun.