All posts by Nora

Cabin Fever Swap Meet

Time to get out from under your rock and clean off your gun bench. It’s all about recycling. Trade that rifle scope for money or for the other fellow’s cool firearm accessories to complete your collection.

WRPC Clubhouse on Grey Mountain Road.

Sunday February 26, 2023 from11 AM to 3 PM

All the rules and regulations regarding the purchase, sale, transportation and display of firearms apply.

Review the requirements to transfer a firearm by connecting to the Canadian Firearms Program on the RCMP website.

Buying and selling (transferring) firearms | Royal Canadian Mounted Police (

Membership Renewals

March 31, 2023 marks the end of the current membership year when all memberships terminate. The locks on the gates will be changed on this day.

A current member in good standing in possession of a 2022 gate key will be issued a gate key for the 2023 -2024 year with their membership renewal. The renewal sticker and key will be mailed out.

Any club member renewing for the 2023-2024 membership year and who did not have a gate key in 2022 will be required to participate in a range orientation session before a 2023 gate key is issued.

The membership form provides details regarding payment options and submission methods. Make sure your information is legible and your mailing address is correct to ensure that you receive your key and renewal sticker.

Old year gate keys can be deposited in the box at the front door of the clubhouse.

Indoor Range Night Cancelled

The indoor range will not be available for shooting activities this week Wednesday December 21, 2022 due to the extremely low temperatures we are having at the moment.

Standard range operational protocols require that, at minus 30 degrees Celcuis or colder, shooting activities will not be conducted in the indoor range.

FALL Clean up

There will be a cease fire on the outdoor range Sunday October 30, 2022 from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM. for the fall range clean up.

Club members who are able to spend a little time to tidy up the outdoor range before Mother Nature begins to launch the winter attack should dress for the weather, wear appropriate footwear and work gloves.

The focus will be on collecting garbage, paper targets that have blown into the bush, and removing back boards that are too perforated to hold a target. Any metal targets that will require repair or replacement need to be brought in from the target rails and down-range areas. Firing lines and down range areas need to be clear of obstructions and debris so that snow removal equipment can do their job.

You will be required to sign in upon arrival.

While the COVID-19 protocols are no longer in force, please don’t come if you are sick,