All posts by Nora

Busy Spring Calendar

Anyone who has checked out the WRPC calendar for the coming months will probably be wondering how they can find a time slot for their own range time. Yes there are a number of days where the PPC range is occupied by the enforcement groups like Parks Canada, Brinks, RCMP, Conservation and so on. These groups require range time in order to train and  maintain their firearms proficiency status for employment purposes. Seeing the name of a particular user group on a specific day does not mean they have exclusive use of the range. As a member, you can  use the range during the same time period as the user groups, but will just have to use a different shooting venue. On the web calendar page, click on the event and a small window opens to tell you when and where the event is happening and any additional details that may be required.

There are regularly scheduled events as well as some fun activities throughout the spring and summer evenings and weekends. Weekday evenings from  7 pm to 9 pm: Trap on Tuesday, Rifle Silhouette Wednesday, Handgun Silhouette alternate Tuesdays, Public Access Thursday. Monday evening will see a rotating schedule of Long Range Rifle Shoots and of course the SKS Shoot, a Black Powder night and Three Gun Tactical events will be scattered throughout the season.

Hope to see some new shooters as well as the regulars come out to enjoy the fun.




Range Safety Officer Recruitment

Whitehorse Rifle and Pistol Club, a volunteer run organization, is looking to recruit three new Range Safety Officers.

Applicants will:

  • Be a current member of the WRPC with a minimum of three years of membership.
  • Possess a valid Canadian Possession Acquisition License (PAL) for both non-restricted and restricted firearms.
  • Demonstrate the ability to effectively and accurately communicate and enforce safe shooting standards by all range users.
  • Be a responsible firearms owner and active shooter with a commitment to ensuring a safe shooting environment.
  • Be committed to performing the various duties of the Range Safety Officer which includes active participation in the operational responsibilities of the range, organizing and supervising shooting events, as well as one to two shifts per month as range safety officer during public access nights.

Selection of Range Safety Officers will be made by the Club Executive and Chief Range Safety Officer. Applications will be accepted until May 1st, 2014.

Submit your name and contact information to, through the “Contact Us” link on the website or by snail mail to Box 30078, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5M2.

Youth Air Rifle Program

The YOUTH AIR RIFLE PROGRAM for Youth Aged  10 to 19 years is gearing up again with enrollment on Tuesday January 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the gun club. Parental permission is required.

COST: $50
Includes Pellets and Targets and Youth Membership with Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club

This program is sponsored by the YUKON SHOOTING FEDERATION and is intended to provide instruction on the safe handling of firearms and rifle shooting techniques using top quality air rifles. The participants are expected to follow the Range Rules to ensure a safe environment for all.

This program will continue every TUESDAY EVENING 7 PM TO 9 PM  from January 21 to March 25, 2014.

Winter Updates

Please open the attached Newsletter for some current updates. → 2013 Winter Updates

Although a couple of evenings with minus 30 C temperatures prevented access to the Indoor Range it is still open Monday and Wednesday evenings starting at 7 pm until the end of March. Let’s hope the temperatures remain reasonable.



Annual General Meeting


  • REPORTS  : Operational, Financial, Event Summaries, Updates
  • NEW BUSINESS: Range Improvement, Range Events

(Do you have a business item to discuss? )


DATE: Sunday January 26th, 2014

TIME: 2:00 pm


Doors open at 12:00 pm

2014 Memberships will be processed until 1:45 pm