All posts by Nora

2016 Gate Keys

Did you renew your membership for 2016?  Did you miss the AGM in January? Then you also missed the opportunity to hand in your 2015 gate key and collect your 2016 gate key and member card.

Locks on the gate were changed on January 31, 2016.

Wednesday February 24, 2016 at the clubhouse at 7 pm is  your opportunity to hand in your old key, or keys if you have them from previous years, and obtain your 2016 gate key.

Please do your part in keeping the operating costs of the club under control by returning your previous years key.

Web Page Update

The start of a new year is a good time to refresh and update our club information resource, so check out the menu on the left side of the WRPC Homepage for the latest changes.

Recognizing that people want to obtain small bits of information quickly, the menu has been condensed  to hopefully provide that rapid response.

“When is the next firearms course?”

“I heard there is a petition about a gun issue”

“How do I  renew my PAL online?”

Stay tuned, as we continue to update the home page.



2016 Annual General Meeting

Good day WRPC Members

The Annual General Meeting of the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club is scheduled for Sunday January 31,  at the clubhouse on Grey Mountain Road.

Doors open at noon. Meeting starts at 2 PM.

If you renew your membership prior to January 28, 2016 AND you were issued a gate key in 2015, AND you hand that key in, your 2016 membership card and gate key will be available for pick up at the clubhouse before the meeting starts.

On Sunday January 31st  last-minute membership renewals will be accepted until 1:30 PM.  You will be requested to complete a membership registration form at this time in order to ensure all memberships are recorded correctly. Gate keys for 2015 can be turned in at this time. Issuance of 2016 membership cards and gate keys will follow by mail.

Members in good standing are eligible to vote at the meeting and can be nominated for an Executive Office (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer) or be nominated/appointed to the Board of Directors. This is a new item that was implemented last year with the revision of the club’s bylaws.

AGENDA ITEMS will include:


  • President’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Event Summaries
  • Section Reports


  • Work Plan review


  • Approval 2016 Work Plan and Budget
  • Elections:
    • Executive Officers
    • Board of Directors

Membership Dues 2016

It’s that time again. The membership year of the Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club runs from January 1st to December 31st and to be considered as a member in good standing for 2016 your membership dues should be paid no later than January 31st. Many thanks to those who have already renewed their membership for 2016.

Membership fees remain unchanged at this time.

Individual $100,  Dual $110, Family $125

By mail to Box 30078 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5M2

In person (cash or cheque) at the range on Monday or Wednesday evening. Payments using credit or debit card can be made at Hougen’s SportsLodge.


Indoor Range Opens Soon

The Indoor Range will be open on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 pm  to 9 pm starting November 2, 2015  and ending on the final evening  Wednesday  March 30th, 2016. The Indoor range will not be available when the temperature is minus 30 Celsius or colder.

The Indoor Range  will be closed on Remembrance Day Wednesday November 11, 2015 and Easter Monday March 28, 2015.

Two Range Safety Officers will be on duty to assist club members and visitors with understanding and following the range rules. Targets and ammunition are available for purchase. Members and visitors are required to sign-in when using the indoor range.

Rimfire (.22 cal) shooting is scheduled to begin at 7 pm. Only club members with Handgun Proficiency Status may shoot Centre fire handguns once the rim fire shooters are finished.

All firearms brought into the clubhouse should be carried in a safe manner following the principles of the Canadian Firearms Safety Course. Once at the firing line, your firearm may be removed from the case. Handling firearms behind the firing line is not permitted. Always check with the Range Safety Officer for assistance.