All posts by Nora

Swap Meet

Club members are welcome to come and check out the clubhouse on Sunday January 29, 2017 from 10 am to 3 pm. Coffee pot will be on. Swap your stuff for the other guy’s stuff.

Remember that all regulations regarding the transportation and the sale of firearms and ammunition will apply.

Tables available for members only. Limit is 2 tables.  Be prepared to help set up tables.

Ammo Restrictions for Indoor Range

There has been evidence of members using incorrect ammunition while shooting their centre fire handgun in the Indoor Range. Using the wrong ammunition will damage the target holders and backstop and poses an injury risk because of splashback.

This is a reminder that the Indoor Range is approved for centre fire handguns that meet the following criteria:

  • Target loads (non magnum loads)
  • LEAD bullets only.
  • No jacketed or semi-jacketed bullets.

Only  paper targets are permitted.


2017 Membership Renewal

Annual membership fees are due now for the 2017 year.

Two Open House times for membership renewals are scheduled for Sunday January 8, 2017  from 1 pm to 3 pm and Saturday January 21, 2017 from 10 am to 2 pm.

Payment in cash or personal cheque. Fees remain unchanged.

Payment (cash or cheque) can also be received at the clubhouse on Monday and Wednesday evenings when the Indoor Range is in use, or by mail with a personal cheque to WRPC, Box 30078 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5M2.

Handgun Proficiency Clinic

WRPC members who want to initiate the process to obtain their Handgun Proficiency Status, which will allow them to shoot their centre fire handgun in the Indoor Range, should take this opportunity to register for the Handgun Proficiency Clinic on Sunday November 27, 2016.

Using .22 cal handguns only, participants will learn the range safety standards for the indoor range, develop proper handgun  shooting techniques,  practice safe loading, discharge and reload, correct poor bullet placement, and have some fun as well.

Participation is limited to 12 WRPC members. Registration fee of $20 covers ammunition and targets.