All posts by Nora

Range Night 2020 Cancelled

Effective immediately, the previously scheduled Wednesday evening Range Nights are cancelled until further notice.

Yes, the uptick in the current COVID-19 numbers is the driving factor.

When will the Indoor Range re-open? Date yet to be determined.

Club members with a 2020 gate key continue to have access to the outdoor range, as long as they continue to respect all the COVID-19 protocols about not coming to the range if you are sick, or have been in contact with someone who is known or suspected of having COVID-19 or have traveled outside Yukon in the previous 14 days. While at the range, you are reminded to keep your 6 foot/2 meter distance from others while at the range.

Snowed out

Vehicle access to the range is not possible at this time after Mother Nature dumped an over abundance of the white stuff.

Snow removal contractors are extremely busy this week and we are on the list to have the snow removed from the range.

So your patience is appreciated as we wait for our turn to have the snow cleared from the range property.

2020 Annual General Meeting

Meeting date: Thursday September 24, 2020

Location: Indoor Range in the Clubhouse on Grey Mountain Road.

Time: 6 PM

Six months ago the 2020 AGM was postponed due the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yukon is now in phase 3 of recovery where some of the COVID -19 restrictions are being lifted and thus allowing the gathering of 50 people at an organized, seated event.

The AGM will look a little different this year. The meeting will take place in the Indoor Range. The Safe Six Protocols will be followed ensuring the required physical distancing, hand hygiene, and not coming if you have returned from travelling outside Yukon, BC, NWT or Nunavut in the 14 days prior to the meeting. And if you or someone in your household is ill, please stay home. Members will enter and exit the building through marked doors to prevent crowding at entryways. Members in good standing who are able to attend will need to bring their own lawn chair or camp stool as the club has only a small number of seats. Face masks are encouraged when you are unable to maintain the 6 foot distance.

The AGM is a business meeting that will require two key activities to be accepted by the membership. The first is accepting the 2019 Financial Review by the professional accountant and the second is approval by the membership to commit the funds to proceed with the replacement of the backstop in the indoor range.

Other business items include various reports and updates and election of officers and directors. Agenda will follow closer to the meeting date.

The AGM for 2021 will be scheduled for a date within the first 90 days of the new fiscal year which begins January 1st, 2021.