Leave no one behind

It doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, it is a concern.

Members in good standing who have participated in the range orientation and who have been issued a key to the gates are reminded that with this privilege comes responsibility. One aspect of this responsibility requires that the member who is leaving the range must check the property to ensure that no unauthorized individuals are present before locking the gates. Anyone who is not a member or who is not in possession of a gate key must be asked to leave before the property is secured.

The expectation is that the member who is leaving someone on the property has verified that the individual who remains is a member with a gate key. In this situation the exiting member is essentially transferring the responsibility for closing up to the other member.

Locking someone in creates risk for that individual and also to the gun club property. It only takes a couple of minutes to do a perimeter check before you leave. Please do your part.