2020 Annual General Meeting

Meeting date: Thursday September 24, 2020

Location: Indoor Range in the Clubhouse on Grey Mountain Road.

Time: 6 PM

Six months ago the 2020 AGM was postponed due the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yukon is now in phase 3 of recovery where some of the COVID -19 restrictions are being lifted and thus allowing the gathering of 50 people at an organized, seated event.

The AGM will look a little different this year. The meeting will take place in the Indoor Range. The Safe Six Protocols will be followed ensuring the required physical distancing, hand hygiene, and not coming if you have returned from travelling outside Yukon, BC, NWT or Nunavut in the 14 days prior to the meeting. And if you or someone in your household is ill, please stay home. Members will enter and exit the building through marked doors to prevent crowding at entryways. Members in good standing who are able to attend will need to bring their own lawn chair or camp stool as the club has only a small number of seats. Face masks are encouraged when you are unable to maintain the 6 foot distance.

The AGM is a business meeting that will require two key activities to be accepted by the membership. The first is accepting the 2019 Financial Review by the professional accountant and the second is approval by the membership to commit the funds to proceed with the replacement of the backstop in the indoor range.

Other business items include various reports and updates and election of officers and directors. Agenda will follow closer to the meeting date.

The AGM for 2021 will be scheduled for a date within the first 90 days of the new fiscal year which begins January 1st, 2021.


The range status flag will be GREEN on Saturday morning July 18th at 10:00 am indicating that no shooting is permitted on the entire range.

Members will be working on the range areas to do some brush cutting and picking up of debris and waste plywood.

If you come to help, maintain the distance guidelines. Bring your work gloves and mosquito repellent.

Regular access for members should resume by 3:00 PM.

Firearms Prohibition Notice

The following is an email received by WRPC, as a holder of a firearms business license. It was sent from the Canadian Firearms Program.

From CFP-PCAF  May 1, 2020

Email to all business licence holders:                                        

Announcement of Firearms Prohibition

As you may know, on May 1, 2020, the Government of Canada amended the Regulations Prescribing Certain Firearms and Other Weapons, Components and Parts of Weapons, Accessories, Cartridge Magazines, Ammunition and Projectiles as Prohibited or Restricted (commonly referred to as the Classification Regulations). These amendments have the effect of reclassifying the following as prohibited firearms and devices:

·         nine (9) types of firearms, by make and model, and their variants;

o   M16, AR-10, AR-15 rifles and M4 carbine;

o   Ruger Mini-14 rifle;

o   M14 rifle;

o   Vz58 rifle;

o   Robinson Armament XCR rifle;

o   CZ Scorpion EVO 3 carbine and pistol;

o   Beretta CX4 Storm carbine;

o   SIG Sauer SIG MCX and SIG Sauer SIG MPX carbine and pistol; and,

o   Swiss Arms Classic Green and Four Seasons series (as specified in former Bill C-71: An Act to amend certain Acts and Regulations in relation to firearms).

·         firearms with a bore of 20 mm or greater and those firearms capable of discharging a projectile with a muzzle energy greater than 10,000 Joules; and

·         the upper receivers of M16, AR-10, AR-15 and M4 pattern firearms.

An Amnesty Order, expiring April 30, 2022, has also been issued by the Government of Canada. This Order protects business owners from criminal liability for unlawful possession of a newly prohibited firearm if those business owners were previously in lawful possession of one or more of the newly prohibited firearms or prohibited devices on the day the amendments to the Classification Regulations came into force. This will allow business owners the time to come into compliance with the law.

This announcement may impact your business as you may have these newly prohibited firearms/devices in your inventory. While awaiting further details on the buy-back program, every effort should be made to return the inventory back to the manufacturer. Please note:

·         They may no longer be sold to individuals. 

·         They can be transferred to another business with the appropriate licence privileges.

·         If firearms are taken on consignment, they must be returned to the owner.

·         If the appropriate activity and conditions are attached to the business licence for prohibited firearms, the business can act as an agent for export or deactivation for an individual or other business.

Businesses that are licensed to possess prohibited firearms will maintain this privilege but should familiarize themselves with the list of newly prohibited firearms and devices found at http://canadagazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2020/2020-05-01-x3/pdf/g2-154×3.pdf.

Should you require further information on the announcement, please refer to the Public Safety Canada website at https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/cntrng-crm/frrms/index-en.aspx, or the Canadian Firearms Program website at https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/firearms/need-know-the-government-canadas-new-prohibition-certain-firearms-and-devices.

Canadian Firearms Program

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Tel: 1-800-731-4000 (toll free)

Updates on Range Activities

Public Access to the Outdoor Range – cancelled for the 2020 season (Thursday evenings May to September) for the health protection of the volunteer range safety officers and the public.

Membership – Applications for NEW memberships are not being accepted at this time.

Membership Dues for Renewing Members– only renewals are being processed at this time. Send your member form with payment (cheque or credit card details) by mail, or with credit card details by email to secretary@wrpc.ca.

Gate Key – Only members who were in possession of a 2019 gate key will be issued a 2020 gate key with their membership renewal.

Annual General Meeting of WRPC – postponed until public health protocols allow gatherings of more than 30, which is required for quorum.

Firearms Safety Courses – scheduling suspended as of March 16, 2020.

Canadian Firearms Program – check the RCMP website for current information regarding impacts of COVID-19 https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/firearms including firearms courses and license applications and renewals.

Outdoor Range Access during covid-19 pandemic

Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club members are expected to adhere to the public health directives that are in place to reduce the spread of the COVID-19.

Those basic directives include:

  • Keep a physical distance of at least 2 metres or 6 feet from others.
  • Stay at home as much as possible. Avoid crowds or gathering in groups.
  • Wash your hands frequently. Keep your hands away from your face.

Getting out of the house for short periods of time helps us to remain engaged with aspects of our usual routine and assists with our mental well being during this time. So, going to the range to sight in your rifle or test a new load is still possible for most club members.

Restrictions for club members accessing the outdoor range.

Club members with a 2020 gate key will be able to access the outdoor range at their convenience, as is the usual practice. All protocols relating to security of the range property remain in place. This means you must verify that when you leave, there is no one else on the property before you lock the gate or, that you pass that responsibility to the remaining club member who must have a gate key.

Do not go to the range if:

  • you have a fever, cough or shortness of breath; OR  
  • you have travelled outside of Yukon within the last 14 days; OR
  • you have come in contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 in the last 14 days. 

Do not crowd the firing line. At the bench rest area, leave one empty bench between you and the other shooter.

At this time club members should not bring a guest. Club members in good standing should go alone. Bringing one member identified as an associate member to your membership is permissible.

Limit your time on the firing line, especially if other members have arrived after you and are waiting their turn.

At this time, only members who were in possession of a 2019 gate key will receive a 2020 gate key with their membership renewal. No range orientations will be scheduled until further notice.